
The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning “water of the sea,” and refers to its sparkling ocean-like color. The pale blue, transparent crystal is a member of the Beryl family. Its color, sometimes bluish green, is caused by iron oxides within the chemical makeup of the stone. Aquamarine is the blue variety of Beryl, though the Beryl family forms in other colors used as gems, such as green Emerald, yellow Heliodor and Golden Beryl, pink Morganite, Red Beryl or Bixbite, and the colorless variety, Goshenite.
The largest numbers of Aquamarine stones come from Brazil, with supplies of this stone also available from Burma, Mexico, Ireland, India, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Australia and the USA, so they are easy to come by.
Aquamarine is helpful to sore throats, swollen glands and thyroid problems. It regulates hormones and growth. Boosts the immune system and alleviates overreactions, such as hayfever or allergies. Counteracts short- or long-sightedness.
Aquamarine is a stone of breath, the respiratory tract, and the lungs. It can heal sinus conditions and frequent coughing, and is effective for hay fever and other chronic allergies. [Megemont, 32][Gienger, 16] It relieves colds and bronchitis. [Eason, 218]
Aquamarine is a cooling stone, countering infections and useful for laryngitis, strep throat or a sore throat. [Ahsian, 50] It harmonizes the pituitary and thyroid glands, regulating hormones and growth. [Hall, 68][Gienger, 16] It is beneficial for teeth and gum problems. [Eason, 218]
It supports the healing of inflammatory diseases of all kinds, and is soothing to eczema, hives, rosacea and psoriasis. It may also help prevent outbreaks of herpes. [Ahsian, 50] Some skin diseases caused by allergies may be cured by Aquamarine, and can complement the treatment for shingles. [Megemont, 32]
Tired eyes and some vision problems can be relieved if Aquamarine is placed on the eyelids for 20 minutes every night. Placed on the solar plexus, it will calm nervous spasms. [Megemont, 32]
Excellent for use in your eye care routine, you can submerge an aquamarine in water, and use the same water to splash on your eyes to wash away all the tiredness. In the ancient times, people used to put in finely powdered aquamarine in their eyes to cure troublesome eye problems.
✰ It particularly relieves throat ailments like chronic tonsillitis, throat pain, injuries and diseases of the vocal cords, etc. Aquamarine is effective in treating thyroid problems as well.
✰ An aquamarine helps you maintain good oral hygiene.
✰ It can be used to treat swollen glands.
✰ Healers make use of aquamarine to cure liver and stomach problems.
✰ It is known to improve blood circulation too.
✰ European nobility had great faith in the aquamarine’s power to combat toxins, and wore it frequently.
✰ With its deep connection with water, it’s not surprising that aquamarine wearers become immune to sea sickness. A popular gemstone among the sailor community, they viewed it as a good luck charm. The aquamarine was believed to offer them protection from the violent seas.