
Unakite is an altered form of granite, composed of pink orthoclase Feldspar, green Epidote and Clear Quartz. Unakite, sometimes known as unakite jasper, is a form of granite that includes pieces of pink orthoclase feldspar, green epidote, and quartz crystals. It has a distinctive, mottled green and pink appearance, and when it is polished, it has a beautiful multi-coloured appearance that makes for very striking jewelry.
Unakite was first discovered in the Unakas Mountains, a part of the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, which is where the stone gets its name. Typical colours – shades of green and pink: mottled.
Unakite supports convalescence and recovery from major illness. It treats the reproductive system and stimulates healthy pregnancies while facilitating the health of the unborn. Unakite enhances weight gain, where required and aids the growth of skin tissue and hair.
Unakite Jasper helps promote the growth of healthy tissue in general and is particularly useful in support of the heart and lungs, assisting function, circulation, balance of bodily fluids and metabolism. It is also considered highly restorative in cases of tissue deterioration and in treating diseases or cancers of these areas. [Ahsian, 219-220][Eason, 280]
Unakite Jasper aids the reproductive system, promoting healthy pregnancy and stimulating weight gain where required. It is believed to be good for breathing irregularities and hyperventilation, and helps ease the transition in labor. [Hall, 311][Eason, 280]