
Aventurine is a variety of Quartz characterized by bright inclusions of Mica or other minerals that give a shimmering or glistening effect to the stone, referred to as aventurescence, especially notable when tumbled or polished. Its name is derived from the Italian a ventura or all’avventura, meaning “by chance,” and refers to the Italian glass from the 1700s, produced when a worker accidentally dropped metal filings into a vat of melting glass. Once cooled, the result was pleasing with its randomly spaced iridescent sparkles, and it was used to make jewelry and other items. The name Aventurine was later given to the natural stone which looked like the industrial product. [www.wikipedia.org][Megemont, 36][Simmons, 55]
Aventurine is most commonly green, though it also forms in blue, red to reddish-brown, dusty purple, orange or peach, yellow, and silver gray. It is mostly translucent and often banded, but an overabundance of an included mineral may render it opaque. The color of Green Aventurine comes from Fuchite particles within the Quartz, while shades of red, brown and orange are attributed to Hematite or Goethite inclusions. Peach and yellow Aventurine include Pyrite with their Mica crystals, Blue Aventurine contains inclusions of Dumortierite, while the purple variety is colored by Lepidolite. [Gienger, 17][www.wikipedia.org][www.healing-crystals-for-you.com][www.luckygemstones.com]
Aventurine is believed to benefit the thymus gland and nervous system, balance blood pressure and stimulate the metabolism, lowering cholesterol. Aventurine is said to have an anti-inflammatory effect and ease skin eruptions, allergies, migraines, and soothes the eyes. It improves the lungs, sinuses, heart, muscular and urogenital systems, and protects against environmental pollution.
Green Aventurine is particularly supportive of the heart, and is excellent for those with cardiac conditions, circulatory problems, or recovering from surgery or illness. It stimulates life-giving energy throughout the body and engenders activity and movement while assisting in physical regeneration. [Ahsian, 56] It may give an added boost in efforts to lower cholesterol and in preventing arteriosclerosis and heart attack. [Gienger, 17][Hall, 74]
Green Aventurine is also thought to benefit fertility and genito-urinary problems; eyesight, especially far-sightedness and astigmatism; dyslexia, dypraxia, and cerebral palsy. It assists in healing the adrenals, lungs, thymus gland and the nervous system. [Eason, 285][Melody, 136][Hall, 74]
Green Aventurine increases the power of homeopathic remedies. [Eason, 285] It has an anti-inflammatory effect, easing skin eruptions, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea, and soothes allergies and migraine headaches. [Hall, 74][Megemont, 36]
As a “take charge” and “stick to it” crystal, Blue Aventurine can be highly beneficial in overcoming bad habits, such as smoking, overeating, and substance-abuse, or in dissolving negative traits, such as selfishness and passive aggression. [Simmons, 57]
Blue Aventurine is an exceptional crystal for those who never seem to grow up by helping them discover that one really can handle their own life successfully, and that adulthood is preferable to perpetual youth. [Simmons, 57]
In the workplace, Blue Aventurine is a crystal of leadership and helps to earn respect. [Eason, 235] It assists in approaching new projects calmly and without nervousness. [Gienger, 17]
Wear Blue Aventurine as jewelry, drink as an elixir, or hold as a worry stone for a calm, focused performance in sports competitions, musical events, or any public speaking engagement. [Eason, 235] It is an ideal ally for teachers, encouraging vision and inspiration, and aiding in expression and effective communication. [Ahsian, 57]
Blue Aventurine encourages adventure at any age and is a stone of travel, helping to make desired travel plans happen and for protection against travel interruption. Place in luggage or personal items to prevent loss, and to encourage safety on holidays or weekends away. [Eason, 42, 235]
Red Aventurine is a “can do” stone of vitality and renewal, creating confidence and capability wherever it is needed. Use to regain physical strength when recovering from illness or injury, wear or keep near the bed to restore a healthy libido, or use to find new inspiration for those who rely on creativity for their livelihood. It is particularly supportive for those who work long hours, need to sustain focus or lecture for long periods, or are required to continuously produce new ideas. [Ahsian, 58][Eason, 76]
Red Aventurine is a protective stone, traditionally used against theft, fire, and lightning strikes. It is good for use in travel, especially against traffic accidents. [Eason, 76]
Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and guards against environmental pollution. Taped to a cell phone, it protects against its emanations. [Hall, 73]
Aventurine may be made into an elixir to drink or used in ablutions by soaking a stone fragment in demineralized water overnight (we recommend the indirect method). It is highly beneficial for fighting eczema, rosacea, juvenile acne, and other skin problems. [Megemont, 36]
Aventurine is ideal for soothing quick-tempers or brutal temperaments, and can greatly diminish the effects of domestic strife between spouses. [Megemont, 36] A dish of Red Aventurines creates harmony between siblings, and is a good crystal to wear or carry when organizing a children’s’ party or attending family events to take everything in stride. [Eason, 76]